Monday 23 November 2015

Numer Identyfikacji Cudzoziemców N.I.E w Hiszpanii

Numer Identyfikacji Cudzoziemców (Numero de Identidad de Extranjero - NIE) – wyrobienie tego numreu będzie niezbędne, jesli chcemy znaleźć legalne zatrudnienie w Hiszpanii. Koszt wyrobienia tego numeru to od 5 do 7 euro, cena ulega zmianie każego roku
a studenci mogą liczyć na zniżkę. Instytucja do której musimy się udac, w celu wyrobieniatego N.I.E., to Oficinas de extranjería, których adresy można znaleźć na stronie, a jeśli nie znamy hiszpańskiego, adres możemy znaleźć wpisując do wyszukiwarki "Oficina de extranjería (nazwa miasta)". Należy zabrać ze sobą wypełniony wniosek o wydanie N.I.E. (można go pobrac z internetu lub na komisariacie policji (Oficina de extranjería)), dowód osobisty/paszport + jego kserokopię, dowód wpłaty (wpłaty dokonujemy w dowolnym banku, idziemy tam z wnioskiem o N.I.E., i wystarczy powiedzieć, że chcemy za niego zapłacić).
Następnie czekamy od kilku do kilkunastu dni w zależności od miasta i możemy udać się po odbiór dokumentu.
Co daje posiadanie N.I.E.? Oprócz tego, że jest niezbędne do podjęcia legalnie pracy, daje nam te same prawa, które posiadają obywatele Hiszpanii, w zakresie warunków pracy, płacy minimalnej i warunków wynagrodzenia, kształcenia zawodowego, ubezpieczenia emerytalnego/rentowego. Ograniczenia w tym zakresie dotyczą jedynie pracy w administracji publicznej.

Foreigners Identification Number (Numero de Identidad de Extranjero – NIE)

application for this card will be necessary for us, if we want to find legal employment in Spain. The fees are very small, from 5 to 7 euro, the fee changes almost every year and the students can get discount. The institution we need to go to get N.I.E. is Oficina de extranjería, adresses of which we can find on the website, and if we does not know spanish, it is easier to just put in the browser "Oficina de extranjería (name of the city)" We need to take with us filled application form (we can find it on the internet or at the police station), our ID card/passport + its copy, confirmation of payment (very easy to get, you just go to any bank, says that want to pay for N.I.E. and after the transaction you will be printed the confirmation of payment).
Then we wait a few daysa and return to the office to receive our N.I.E.

So why it is so important to have this number? Except of legal employment, we also are recieving the same benefits as the citizens of Spain, in the areas of work conditions, minimum wage, payment conditions, insurance etc. The only restrictions in this are connected with working in public institutions.

Friday 13 November 2015

Increase of 45% new built homes in Alicante

Between January and October 2015 there have been a total of 3,377 new homes, registred. This is an increase from 2014 which settled with 2,746 homes. Estimates believe the total figure for 2015 will be around 4000 new homes which is an increase of 45% compared to last year.
August has seen the highet figure so far with a total of 565 new homes registred.

Friday 23 October 2015

Pederast arrested in Alicante province

The pederast arrested in Alicante coerced by making contract with children.

What do you want in exchange for kisses? The child wrote in his own hand a video console.
The National Police that was in charge of arresting a man of 54 years for abusing more than 20 children paraphrased one of the contracts the pederast made with a child found at the adress of the 54 year old male.
This arrest was made in Alcoy in the Alicante province on the Costa Blanca coast in Spain. The arrest was made on the 7th of October and at last ending more than 15 years of abuse of victims. The report of one of the victims just a few days before the pederast was going to celebrate a birthday inviting a dozen of children.

The police have arrested more than five hundred people for pedophilia using internet since 2001 by increasing the police force pursuing this kind of crimes.

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Tuesday 20 October 2015

Alicante cleaning solution

The  municipal groups PSOE, Guanyar, Compromís Popular Party and citizens together with the mayor, Gabriel Echavarri, and the Councillor for Environment , have been informed this morning about the Intensive Cleaning Plan of the City of Alicante by the representatives of the three companies that make up the joint venture of the cleaning contract: Civic, FCC and Ferrovial The political parties have agreed to the proposal. The plan will last for 2 months and  includes  the temporary employment of thirty workers and will begin by the end of October. The cost will be covered by the companies and not through the taxpayers bill. This messure comes after widespread complaints from citizens after the cut imposed by the former mayor Sonia Castedo.

The hole city of Alicante on the Costa Blanca coast of Spain will have an intensive cleaning treatment.

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Wednesday 7 October 2015

Free School meals in Villajoyosa

The Villajoyosa municipal school board has decided to serve dinner to pupils that cannot go home for their meal. This concerns  puplis that live in La Cala and have about three kilometers from home to school. It is not posible to go by bus and then back to school again. Families that cannot afford to pay for school meals are requested to ask for help with that.

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Thursday 1 October 2015

Alicante has a cleaning problem

Alicante on the Costa Blanca has a groving reputation for beeing dirty. Before, during and after the electoral campaign, the lack of cleanliness in the streets has been recognized by everyone. An emergency plan to deal with the problema have been included in all  political  party programs. The meeting this morning at City Hall is the first step to respond to this problema.  It was agreed that the city has a serious cleaning problem and an agreement to work together and present an action plan to solve the problem. The plan is to be presente don the 15th of October.

Companies have expressed their willingness to resize the service and change the organization and have pointed out that the solution to the problem does not go through increasing the cost. Finally they are committed to establish mechanisms for technical and political dialogue and to achieve better communication that allows solving problems as they arise.

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